Monday, March 24, 2008


The child is a helpless victim. They wont even know what is happening to them, and it is even more horrible if their own loved ones abuse them.
I have read about this issue in so many places, and people say it happens everywhere - So? Should I just be happy that every other child goes through this? When will people learn? When will they learn to control the animal emotions and urges in them?? There are people who just dont stop doing this until they go to the grave.
I have a friend, who was asked by her own father? WTF? I also know someone who was abused by her immediate uncles. Poor parents had left the children, thinking the uncle will take care, but never knew how he would take care..
There was a girl who was raped by her own brother. Can't these people see their sisters, daughters, cousins are like their mother and give respect? Will they behave the same way with their mother?? (I'm even ashamed to ask such a question but cant help it)
I have read articles, where mother likes the son in law, man likes his sister in law and I have even read about man having sex with a hen! I feel like gagging even now... Is this what they say "the animal in a man"?

I had undergone abusal and have never known what it was till I reached a age when I understood what is sex, what is sexual abuse etc. We always had men working in our house. I should have been 3 yrs old, but even now I remember the incidents, the places where this guy who was taking care of me took and did what he had to do. There was another guy, who would touch my private parts and I always kept escaping from him.

I dont know about US, but in India, some men are horrible. A girl cannot travel in public transports. My friend got her private parts pinched while she was getting out of a bus. Crowded bus, is congested for some, but heaven for others. The way the men press against the female, you feel like slapping them. Once when I was travelling in a crowded bus (didnt have a choice after waiting for 1hr for bus), there were 2 men pressing there hardened body parts against my back and my side. I moved and moved and there was another guy who took his turn. I moved to the foot board and they will not leave me alone even there and finally got down from that damn bus. Once I stamped a guy hard when he was trying to become inseparable behind me in a public bus.

Mumbai local trains are even more horrible. When you come out of the train, you even doubt if you were just raped by many. There will be so many hands on you, so many eyes ... You might want to wear a body gear made of metal, which doesnt curve anywhere, but just a box from top to bottom.

Even in US I have read about small girls, being raped, killed and left in sewages, garbages etc. A teacher molesting the kid etc It just happens everywhere. I dont know when this will stop....

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